martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Letter from Roberto to PSAC

Public Service Alliance of Canada

Dear Brothers and Sisters

On mine and my family's behalf I would like to express my gratitude for the
Roberto Miranda Fund announced by PSAC at our community dinner on November 6, 2010. I feel humbled and honoured to have been given this recognition during my lifetime.

It constitutes a tribute not only to me as a member of the Alliance, but also is a tribute to my late brothers Willie and Fredy Miranda, who were killed in the fight for Social Justice and labour rights. As you know I have been a member of the PSAC for more than ten years. During that time, I participated actively with ARVAC and as member at large. It has been such a pleasure to participate as a member representing PSAC in different events such as: the World Social Forum that took place in Venezuela, public events, protests, and other activities where PSAC has been an organization making a difference in the union movement.

My gratitude also goes to everyone in the Union and the Social Justice Fund for supporting the Guatemalan Human Rights struggle; specifically, the long time support given to the Indigenous and peasant organization CCDA. This support has helped this organization advance their social, economical and political demands.


Roberto Miranda Calderon.

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